Does sex sell books? part two


So would more sex and more erotica and less honesty sell more books?

In my second book I did have more encounters of a sexual nature only because I was meeting the general public and a lot more attractive people than in the prisons, but sex or erotic encounters with the public was never going to sell books so I had to rely on the real life humorous encounters I had with the public and yes some of those members of the public were sexy

The England Rugby team when departing the UK from Heathrow Terminal 5 caused a stir amongst all the female security officers as well as many of the general public, as did Usain Bolt, and the opposite was true when some of our well known female celebrities travelled through the airport, but sexual and erotic encounters was nil.

However I thought hit me, what about in my previous life before Heathrow before HM Prisons I was a driving instructor and had many potential sexual and erotic encounters with my female pupils, yes now that I could write about and it would be sexy and erotic but will it sell books?

And so The Road to 'L' was written given graphic descriptions of the proposition I received during that time as a driving Instructor in Central London back in the early 1980's

Only time will tell once the book is published

But what do you the public think?


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